EdTech Survey

Calling all educators...In MaxIQ Space, we prefer our hardware to integrate with all other platforms, in other words, we do not have a "walled garden". Therefore, to ensure that we support educators to the fullest extent, we would like to know exactly your requirements.

Purpose of this survey:

  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the various hardware platforms to inform design
  • Uncover the needs that are not being addressed by any of the hardware platforms so that we may attempt to address these
  • Understand the support materials and services that are required to ensure the hardware platforms are fully valuable

This survey will not take longer than five minutes to complete, your feedback is extremely valuable to us (link). We are collecting data until October 1st, 2024.

We will send you the report on the findings, and invite you to further workshops to find out how we can support you further.

Our Partners

Changing the world isn't easy, and we couldn't do it alone. 

A core value of MaxIQ is to be able to provide our educational resources to students around the globe, especially those who live in areas where there is a lack of educational infrastructure to support these young minds in achieving their full potential. MaxIQ wouldn't be able to fulfil our mission without support from...


Funding - Astrodynamics and Space Research LaboratorySeal of the United States Department of Education.svgOne Global Network for a Hyper-connected World | Intelsat